Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Art Clay World UK Conference

Phew - that was a very busy weekend!
Friday to Sunday last week I went to West Dean College, West Sussex,  for the Art Clay World UK Conference. It is a fabulous building, set in 6000 acres of beautifully landscaped park land, a seriously impressive kitchen garden, all the gardens are open for visitors. If you are the slightest bit interested in growing fruit or veg, or intrigued by herbs and roses, or just like to have a nice stroll through sweeping fields and rolling hills - you must go!
During the weekend we had a mixture of demonstrations and hands-on classes. I demonstrated using UV resin with metal clay, and held a class in stencilling on metal clay. The UV resin was incredibly popular and it was so much fun sharing it with people just as crazily enthusiastic about it as me.
It really was a great weekend. We were nearly 50 attendees, which was very impressive as that means a third of all the guild members attended!
Now, it has fallen on me to organize next year's ACWUK conference. If you have any ideas or suggestions about locations, speakers, tutors, or anything else to do with the conference, I'd love to hear from you.  
Take care of yourself.

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