Thursday, 5 July 2007

Introductory Class

Some very focused and busy students, working away on their masterpieces. This is from the Introduction to Art Clay Class on the 1st July.

They all made some lovely pieces, and everyone had a go at setting stones, and using the syringe.

We had a lamp worker (someone who makes glass beads, from rods of glass, melted around a steel mandrel using a torch) in the class. She had brought a bag of some of her beads, and they were gorgeous - really beautiful. She made some simple bead caps in silver during the class - I look forward to seeing them used with her beads.

We also had Rachael visiting from craft&design magazine - the new-look bi-monthly magazine, which has developed from Craftsman Magazine. I've been a faithful subscriber of Craftsman, but I must say that this new version gets top marks from me. It's a really nice magazine for all makers, artists, and collectors - anyone interested or involved in contemporary UK craft and design. And, every magazine has a seriously substantial events listing, with loads of crafts fairs listed.


1 comment:

  1. You can sense the concentration!
    I think I can see some tongues sticking out the corner of some mouths (I call that my Mascara application face, lol)
    Nic xx
