Monday, 21 July 2008


A quick report from Purdue, Indiana where I've been to take some Rio Grande classes and join the PMC Conference. Wow - the three Rio classes I took were fabulous. And it was lovley to meet up with some old metal clay friends, and of course, make lots of new friends at the conference!

And - I'm coming home with some exciting news...!

The new BronzClay is here! It is bronze, it is clay - and you use it just like the metal clay we're already used to! It comes out of the kiln with a beautiful patina, full of rainbows. It has a matte, very tactile, ancient looking surface straight from the kiln, lending itself perfectly to rough unfinished edges (which is one of the things I love with metal clay...). Or, polish it up quickly to a smart, sparkly, shiny bronze.

SilverClay will of course be selling the clay. It will be available in the UK soon, we need to be patient for just a little bit longer!

And, we'll be running classes. The first one will take place 15-16 November - I can promise you it will fill up fast, so don't wait if you're interested! To sign up, read more here.